After more than a decade in the real estate industry, Username Investment Ltd. has thought of a better way to interact with our potential clients and give back to the community through Username Mtaani. This is a new vibrant and heartwarming initiative through which we will meet with our potential clients who are a diverse group of small business traders as they navigate their daily hustles to inspire, motivate, and encourage them. 

Username Mtaani is all about putting people first in the real estate conversation, focusing on building communities, not just homes. This initiative motivates and educates traders about Username Investment Ltd and its affordable options, including the Lipa Pole Pole plan, which allows them to invest comfortably without straining their finances, making homeownership more accessible. By connecting directly with clients on the ground, Username Mtaani provides real support, boosts local businesses, and fosters trust, all while making a meaningful difference in the lives of everyday Kenyans and strengthening the communities it serves.

Username Mtaani is a documented series of lively videos of the Username team visiting different small-scale traders, and interacting with them to have a glimpse of their typical day experience. We will celebrate their resilience by giving them a small biashara boost at the end. This is a fun, human-centered approach that brings real stories to life, connecting us all through shared experiences and the spirit of entrepreneurship. 

So far, Username Mtaani has done three seasons which invite our viewers into the incredible journey across three different towns each with a unique vibrancy.  Below are the links to some Username Mtaani videos. 

Season 1: Githurai Market

Username Mtaani: Empowering Local Traders, Building Communities . land and plots for sale in and plots for sale in Konza. land and plots for sale in and plots for sla ein ngong.

In the first season of Username Mtaani, we visited traders in Githurai market, a bustling center of entrepreneurship. We interacted with various market traders, learning about their daily challenges, resilience, and ingenuity. This experience shaped the direction of “Username Mtaani,” transforming it into a platform that goes beyond selling land to also uplift and inspire the community it serves. 

Season 2: Nakuru City

After a successful season 1, we then moved to the newest city, Nakuru City. Nakuru is a bustling urban area with a very rich cultural heritage and an ever-growing economy. In season 2, we explored Nakuru City and engaged with local traders from different areas of the dynamic market center. One thing that Nakuru city revealed was how diverse and dynamic small businesses can be. This was a great opportunity to interact with market traders in an area where we have affordable land and plots for sale in Nakuru in our ongoing projects such as The Delight Nakuru and Havanna Estates. Nakuru is a city that embodies growth and opportunity with so much to offer just like Useranme Mtaani. 

Season 3: Ngong Town

The third season took us to Ngong town, a town that holds a special significance for Username Investment. Ngong Town was our first-ever project base and since then we have had so many more projects with our best-seller series with our latest being Ngong Breeze Phase 10. Compared to when we were starting, Ngong Town has now grown to be a diverse business center. Here, we met with business traders who have watched Ngong transform over the years and their entrepreneurial stories vividly reflect that of their town from a quiet outpost to a thriving community with immense potential. 


Join us on this adventurous journey where each episode offers a glimpse into the world of different entrepreneurs’ journeys and celebrates their resilience while exploring the unique character of the communities they serve. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes, where we’ll dive even deeper into the heart of local businesses and showcase new opportunities for smart real estate investment with Username Investments.